
Introduction to Accessible Regenerative Farming


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$100 Enroll

Full course description

This course is designed to accompany individuals enrolled in the AgrAbility Apprenticeship Program with Mandy’s Farm. This course uses plain language and differentiated instruction to support the needs of diverse learners. The course guides apprentices through the basics of soil health, small-scale vegetable production and marketing, principles in agro-ecology and habitat restoration. The course also covers topics such as self-advocacy, disability and worker’s rights, hand and power tool safety, and financial literacy. Successful completion of the course will result in a “Regenerative Farming” Certificate from NMSU.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, learners should be able to:

  • Identify common hand and power tools used in agriculture and use them safely,
  • Use common farm vocabulary such as annual, perennial, warm-season, cold-season, first frost, last frost, germinate, etc. accurately.
    Work with a basic farm budget, balance costs with income, and identify specific financial goals.
  • Describe at least five crops of interest, including their ideal planting time, days to maturity, harvesting, storage, marketing techniques, and seed saving.
  • Manage crop pressures in an average NM growing season by identifying common weed plants, identifying typical insect and animal pests, and applying regenerative/integrated management strategies to each.
  • Understand and implement regenerative farm principles.
    Apply the six soil health principles of keeping soil covered, integrating animals, maximizing biodiversity, minimizing disturbance, maximizing the presence of living roots, and knowing one’s context to one's personal agricultural goals.
  • Prepare for the job interview process, including submitting applications, providing references and a resumé, and describing their skills and experience.
  • Identify personal support needs, communicate needs to coworkers and supervisors, and adapt farm tasks to fit their needs.


About Mandy’s Farms

Mandy’s Farm assists individuals with developmental disabilities in achieving their goals for living, learning, and working in the community. Mandy’s Farm, in alignment with our mission, vision, and organizational values, is committed to cultivating an environment that honors diversity and centers on equity, justice, access, and inclusion. We acknowledge that identities are intersectional and make up the fabric of our organization: the people we support, our employees, and our community partners. We will intentionally strengthen our practices of inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility within our disability support programs, employee practices, and stakeholder relationships within our community. We will accept accountability when we are wrong, and commit daily to getting it right.